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Applied Linguistics Lab
Solving Problems through Language
Utilize our state-of-the-art equipment as you explore language and real-world issues.
dedicated to high-quality research
The Applied Linguistics Laboratory is dedicated to high-quality research in Applied Linguistics. We are actively seeking out partnerships and collaborative work with industrial partners. The laboratory offers some Ph.D. assistantships to potential Ph.D. students and post-doc positions. MA students should contact the director. Visiting scholars are welcome but must be self-supporting and should contact the director well in advance of the time they wish to visit.

Welcome from the Director
Welcome to the Applied Linguistics Laboratory (ALL) located in the Department of Literature and Languages. As part of the department's MA and Ph.D. in English, we work with graduate students who are interested in aspects of Applied Linguistics. Our current associated faculty specialize in a range of areas applicable to Applied Linguistics including Second Language Acquisition, Prosody and Pragmatics, Humor Theory, Computational Linguistics, Stylistics and ESL/EFL.
Our Research
Our current research includes:
Advancing innovative technology-assisted practices in the language teacher education classes. Learn more.
Contributing Faculty and Students
Understanding the pragmatic performance and perceptions of language learners. Learn more.
Contributing Faculty and Students
The study of how different modalities visual, aural, gestural, prosodic, gaze-related, etc. contribute to communication, especially in the digital age. Learn more.
Contributing Faculty and Students
Precise knowledge about language and knowledge about knowledge as formalized by linguistic semanticists are essential to develop explainable and scalable intelligent technologies. Learn more.
Contributing Faculty and Students
The landscape of second language writing is changing through new and emerging technologies. Learn more.
Contributing Faculty and Students
Researchers study the speech patterns of AAC and non-AAC users and how that impacts their ability to do their jobs as they increase the number of valid, reliable studies available. Learn more.
Contributing Faculty and Students
Our Programs
Applied Linguistics (MA/MS) TESOL Emphasis
As a student in the Applied Linguistics program, you will engage in cutting-edge pedagogical and research strategies with others who are pursuing careers in teaching English to speakers of other languages. Whether you choose this field as a primary or complementary discipline, this program will prepare you for a variety of careers including teaching at the university level or teaching English as a second language abroad.
English (PHD) Applied Linguistics Emphasis
The Ph.D. in English is designed for students wishing to teach in community or four-year colleges and universities. It stresses both substantive knowledge of the various divisions within the field of English and an extensive introduction to the profession, including classroom teaching, tutoring and computer-assisted instruction. The degree requires that each candidate serve as a teaching assistant.
Meet our Faculty
Lucy Pickering, Ph.D. Director of Research Integrity and Compliance, and Professor of Applied Linguistics
Salvatore Attardo, Ph.D. Professor
Christian F. “Kiki” Hempelmann, Ph.D. Interim Department Head/Professor of Computational Linguistics/Director of Semantic Artificial Intelligence and Creativity Laboratory/Director of the ETAMU AI Initiative
Dongmei Cheng, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Mimi Li, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Flavia Belpoliti, Ph.D. Associate Professor and Director of Spanish Grad Studies
Shelby Miller, Ph.D. Assistant Professor
Current Students
Jennifer Campbell Ph.D. Student
Melissa Davis Ph.D. Student
Francesca Farris Ph.D. Student
Andrea Gjorevski Ph.D. Student
Nicole Hall Ph.D. Student
Taylor Hill Ph.D. Student
Caroline Kuyumcuoglu Ph.D. Student
Nicholas Kostakis Ph.D. Student
Lacy Laughard Ph.D. Student
Krista McKean Ph.D. Student
Haomei Meng Ph.D. Student
Stormy Montes Linguistics Lab Manager and Ph.D Student
Renata Natarajan Ph.D. Student
Reza Panahi Ph.D. Student
Lilly Rudin Ph.D. Student
Gouda Taha Ph.D. Student
Chantea Warner Ph.D. Student
Sana Nabil Rayyashi Ph.D. Student and Graduate Assistant-Teaching
Select Alumni
Adel Aldawsari, Ph.D. Vice Dean, The Arabic Language Institute, King AbdulAziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Julie Bouchard, Ph.D. Associate Professor at Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
Hilal Ergül, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Applied Linguistics/TESOL at University of Northern Iowa
John Gibbons, Ph.D. Visiting Professor at Grand Valley State University
Elisa Gironzetti, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Spanish Applied Linguistics, University of Maryland
Nabiha El Khatib, Ph.D. English Instructor, Higher Education Co.
Laura Di Ferrante, Ph.D. Professor in English as a Second Language, University of Milan, Milan, Italy
Miriam Akoto, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of French, Sam Houston State University
Contact Us
- Applied Linguistics Lab
- 903.886.5980
- [email protected]
- Talbot Hall Rm 307
- P.O. Box 3011, Commerce, TX 75429-3011

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